by xavier dolan. he is the director, writer, actor, producer, editor, art director, costume designer of the movie! and learning now that xavier is only a few months older than me! yet, this is not his only movie.
les amours imaginaires (aka heartbeats) was great! the movie itself! musics and the costumes! i don't really know if i could/should describe it.
just see the movie and you'll know what i'm talking about.

"I know it was him .I'll never love anyone else that much.Tough. I can handle it . I know it's usually later in life that you meet your soul mate. Me, too bad. It happened now,when I'am 25.
It's not even about sex. I don't care about sex. That's not the main thing.
What's important is to wake up with someone. To spoon with that person.
That's what matters, the spoon. Knowing that if a bad guy comes, someone is there.
That's a metaphor. Bad guys never come. You wake up with the wind.
A warm belly, the one who loves you breathing against your shoulder.
That's it,the spoon"
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